About the Ties that Bind: Quilting at the Clarke Africana Library

If you're interested in learning more about Toni Morrison and quilting in the African American community, please visit our Libguide:

In addition, these are other resources that helped inform the Toni Morrison Quilting Project::

Daniel, Janice Barnes. Spring 2000. "Function or Frill: The Quilt as Storyteller in Toni Morrison's Beloved." The Midwest Quarterly 41 (3): 321-329.

Hindman, Jane. 1995. "'A little space, a Little Time, Some Way to Hold off Eventfulness': African American Quiltmaking as Metaphor in Toni Morrison's Beloved." Lit: Literature Interpretation Theory 6 (1-2): 101-120.

Gyetvai, Eva. Fall 2008. "'Threading Together Her Need and Needle': African American Quilting Techniques and Aesthetics in Toni Morrison's Sula. Interdisciplinary Humanities. 25 (2): 9-24.