Giok Po Oey in the Tompkins County Senior Citizens Council Newsletter - 1990
- Description:
- In 1989 Alone... 8,600 Senior Citizen households received the Senior Circle. 2,600 Seniors used discount cards. 800 seniors participated in Senior Center classes and programs. 2,200 people were members of Countywide Units and Programs. 483 RSVP volunteers provided 46,205 hours of community service. At an average wage of $5.00 per hour, RSVP volunteers contributed $231,025 back to Tompkins County in 1989. Senior Citizen's Council - 273-1511. RSVP - 277-4545. Giok Po Oey, an RSVP volunteer, warms up by cutting his own firewood. He and his wife Tinney, also an RSVP volunteer and a student in the Tuesday watercolor class, enjoy reading, the outdoors, Elderhostel classes, and visits with family and friends. Recently retired as the Curator of the John M. Echols Collection on Southeast Asia, Giok Po's recommendation for a productive and happy retirement is to "actively pursue your own interests." He's currently writing a family history using his Macintosh computer.
- Attribution:
- The John M. Echols Collection
- Date:
- 1990