1. Olin May 18th, 2018; Page 01
- Description:
- at the beggining of the day i awoke on the street cornner sitting in an excceptionialy comfortable arm chair breifly astranged at my sudden awareness of the stranger than usual sleeping arrangments. i rose to meet the 2am damped chill thet hung in the place of yester eves humid 70 deggree day. of to find a new crash shash pac now i set here typing randomwordsout ofsheer boredom cured by age and nestalgiea exercised in the form of this well functioning obsolete machine of antiquitiiiii... i might ass that though i havesat befor at 2 type writers prior... surely... though i can not be exact this is surely in fact the first page i have ever typedout on an antiquated technology...such as this type writer thinger dingers... speaking of dingers at the end of the roll of satisfing click/pleasing finger resistancekey exercise devises there is wait ding an impeccebly timed ding... p.s. i cant spell worth a luck ding but as you can see that is why i use such bigger words... prevents more saftey from attakers... without a doupt the smarttest move ding you may ever queir y... hha ahaha... what the ¢;/..¢¢ did you just sa say ding ding. i have nill whe it comes tothe cares or worrys of differential in hunt and poke or being a proper ..typer.. for when all als fail in the world typers guild federation.acoona maaa... ta..ta.. is my opinion the wrather more pleasing way to go about setteling any sort of kyak dispute... haha if you know what i mean...sooooo ay howhoo ...back to buisnes as usual i just was donting this strange man with a pink carnation.. he was from moes and peak a pake bay. where i surely have never benn nore will i ever be...she called ..gulp.. andi cried...shift lock keys are la labeled where they should be in the manual but i cant say as to there being any legitimant reasoning for the antique buttons to render the most ex expirience of this sentence latter in the story lost and fairly obslete as in the fun machien i play poke jab with..
- Attribution:
- Anonymous
- Date:
- Olin May 18th, 2018