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Cultivating Silence
Nikolai Vavilov and the Suppression of Science in the Modern Era
Nikolai Ivanovich Vavilov was one of the most brilliant geneticists of the 20th century, yet died in a Soviet prison for his ideas.

A Buzz about Bees: Four Hundred Years of Bees and Beekeeping
The Phillips Beekeeping Collection at Cornell is a testament to human vision and dedication, and the labor of millions of bees.

Backyard Revival: American Heritage Poultry
Since they were first domesticated, nearly 10,000 years ago chickens have accompanied human beings everywhere on the planet.

CHOCOLATE: Food of the Gods
Popular to the tune of $74 billion annually, chocolate begins as a tiny blossom on a small tropical tree.

Apples to Cider
An Old Industry Takes New Root
An age-old beverage has returned to the forefront with New York and Cornell University leading the charge.

Not by Bread Alone
America's Culinary Heritage