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Graphic Designs: Deja Gilliam

3-D Scans: Jeyeon Jo

Curators: Joshua Johnson, Deja Gilliam, Jeyeon Jo

Thank you: to all of the collections that allowed us to display their pieces. In particular, thank you to the Cornell Fashion and Textile Collection, Rare and Manuscript Collections, the Collection of the Herbert F. Johnson Museum of Art, and the Beyond the Taj: Architectural Traditions and Landscape Experience in South Asia Collection. Special thank you to Professor Green and Lynda Xepoleas who helped us navigate the collection! We worked hard to allow the pieces to come to life and are grateful for the space to be as creative as possible in order to carry out the goal of the collection.

This online exhibit was created as a final project for the course: SHUM 4651/6651 Curating Fashion Exhibitions