
Original Publication, 2001

The organization of the exhibition From Domesticity to Modernity: What was Home Economics? was a collaborative effort between the Division of Rare and Manuscript Collections and the Human Development 455 course Archival Research: Exploring the History of Home Economics. The students did extensive hands-on research in the university archives, investigating the intellectual history of home economics. Their reports and recommendations on visual materials were instrumental in generating this exhibition and Web site.

Students from Human Development 455: Robin Abraham, Iveta Brigis, Katherine Connery, Virginia Fritchey, Keren Lerner, Alison Louie, Shayna Lustig, Leigh McMullan, Julie Monaghan, Chris Payne, Jennifer Sheff, Ellan Spero, Jennifer Valla

Exhibit curator: Eileen Keating

Exhibit historian: Joan Jacobs Brumberg

Web designer: Jennifer Conklin.

Special assistance was provided by: Elaine Engst, Cheryl Beredo, Suzy Szasz Palmer, Amy Lee Bennett, Jan Jennings, Lynne Byall, Benson Margaret Nichols, Lorna Knight, Katherine Reagan, the staff of the Division of Rare and Manuscript Collections, Judith Burns and Claudia Wheatley of the Office of Publications Services, Nicola Kountoupes of University Photography, the Library Department of Preservation and Conservation, David Jones of the Cornell Institute for Digital Collections.

With special thanks to Carol Anderson, Jennie Farley, Charlotte Jirousek and Henry Ricciuti.

For more information, contact:

Department of Rare and Manuscript Collections


This exhibition and Web site have been made possible by the generous support of the New York State College of Human Ecology, the College of Human Ecology Alumni Association, and the Arnold '44 and Gloria Tofias Fund.

Updated Website, 2024

Web Design and Development: Emily Toner