
Archival locations for the items in the cases

Introduction Case

Plate - Lake Placid: #6578, box 62

Anna Comstock to MVR letter: #23/2/749 Box 26-Folder 24

Photo - Liberty Hyde Bailey: #21/2/430 Box 2-Folder 2

Photo - Atwater: Copy from a photo at Wesleyan College

Photo - Anna Comstock: Faculty Biography Folder

Photo - Womens Institute: #23/2/749 Box 39-Folder 18

Bulletin - Saving Steps: #23/2/749 Box 46

Professions Case

Flemmie Kittrell's Doctoral Thesis, A Study of Negro Infant Feeding Practices in a Selected Community of North Carolina: Thesis TX295 1936 K62 Library Annex

Omicron Nu pin: #23-2-2702 Box 4-Folder 27

Lake Placid Photograph: #23-2-749 Box 39-Folder 50

Journal of the American Home Economics Association: TX1 .J7 Mann Library volume 1

Margaret Wylie Obituary: Faculty Biography Folder

Hotel Touraine - letter: #23/2/749 Box 3-Folder 20

AHEA Certificate: #23/2/749 Box 33-Folder 65

Research Case

Faith Fenton:

  1. Photo: Faculty Biography Folder

  2. Bulletin - The Cooking of Frozen Foods: Faculty Biography Folder

Ethel B. Waring

  1. Photo: Faculty Biography Folder

  2. Bulletin - Principles for Child Guidance: Faculty Biography Folder

Helen Canon:

  1. Photo - c. unknown: Faculty Biography Folder

  2. Bulletin - Dandelions as Food: Faculty Biography Folder

Beulah Blackmore:

  1. Photo - Clothing lab, 1916: #23-2-749 Box 39

  2. Photo - c. unknown: Faculty Biography Folder

Katharine Wyckoff Harris:

  1. Article - Careers in Home Economics: What's New in Home Economics?, March 1946, Mann Library

Ella M. Cushman:

  1. Photo - c. unknown: Faculty Biography Folder

  2. Bulletin - Letters From a Homemaker to Her Friend on Kitchen Improvement: Faculty Biography Folder

Helen Dorsey Binkerd Young:

  1. Photo and Floor Plan of Hidden Home: American Architect, April 5, 1927, pages 443-445; Fine Arts Library

Careers Case

1916 yearbook: #23-11-2357 Box 1

The job is yours - handbook: #23-2-749 Box 69-last folder

letter from gas company: #23-2-749 Box 21-Folder 3

Careers booklet: ARP collection Box 2

Photo - Radio: #23-2-749 Box 77- Folder 17

Chart: #23/2/749 Box 21-Folder 39

National and International Impact Case

The Homemaker's Department: #23-2-749 Box 53 from The Delineator, May 1923, pg. 19

New Children's Crusade: #23-2-749, Box 57, Folder 9

Meals for a Family of Five: # 23-2-749, Box 35-Folder 11

Recipe instructions: #23-2-749, Box 35-Folder 14

Milkorno/Milkwheato Labels: #4-5-1119, Box 1, Folder reads Milkorno/Milkwheato, Sub-folder: Labels

Brochure and letter 11/24/37 from international conference: #23-2-749, Box 35-Folders 2 & 3

Photo - Flemmie Kittrell and map: #41-2-877 deceased alumni folder Box 315

Photo - African women in front of MVR: #23-2-749, Box 77 - Folder 33

Photo - Voice of America broadcast: #23-14-730 - Box 1

Child with survey: #23-14-730 - Box 1

Educational Techniques Case

Demonstration Train poster: #23-2-749Box 40

Better Children's Year: #23-2-749 Box 24-Folder 29

Home Bureau Creed: photo located #23-2-749 Box 39- Folder 12

Wattmobile Pamphlet: #21-24-1975 Box 7

Let's Make A Dress Report Form: #23-2-749 Box 49, Folder Lets Make A Dress

Farmers Wives Reading Course: #23-2-749 Box 24-Folder 49

Photo - Television: #23-2-749 Box 39-Folder 16

State Fair Fabrics pamphlet: #23-2-749 Box 77-Folder 46

National Emergencies Case

USFA Home Card: # 23-2-749 Box 17-Folder 56

Flora Rose's Red Cross Card: # 23-3-749 Box 12-Folder 44

Accidents Help Hitler: # 23-14-2485 Box 2- Folder 46

Wheat is the Test: # 23-2-749 Box 17-Folder 49

Save Bedding by Beulah Blackmore: War Emergency Bulletin March 1943, # S95 H212 no. 1-122. Library Annex

Potato Patriotism pin: # 23-2-749 Box 24-Folder 6

Scroll: #23-2-749 Box 49

In Freedom's Name: # 23-2-749 Box 24-Folder 9

Sugar In Wartime: # 23-14-2485 Box 3-Folder 8

Consumer Culture

Photo - toasters: #23-2-749 Box 39-Folder 23

Photo - Mary Purchase and laundry: Biography Folder

Cornell Reading Course - budgeting bulletin: #23-2-749, box 46

Photo - Jean Warren: Biography Folder

Photo - canned foods exhibit: #23-2-749 Box 39-Folder 14

Photo - Makeup demonstration: #23-2-749 Box 39-Folder 26

The American Consumer brochure: #23-2-749 Box 76 - Folder 41

Pyrex Ad: bought from eBay

Self Definition Case

Letters - Martha Van Rensselaer and Lucy Roberts, 1908: #23-2-749 Box 21-Folder 4

Yearbook - Sedowa: #23-11-2357 Box 1, 1915 volume

Frigga Fylgae Invitation: #23-2-749 Box 21-Folder 12

Newspaper clipping - Sarah Steinman and Eleanor Roosevelt: #37-5-3040 Box 1, Scrapbook 1938-39

Article - Charm School: Cornell Bulletin - Microfilm #4230

Photo - Charm School: Charlotte Jirousek Collection - in the Costume Collection, Folder 2, Student Activities

Article from Life magazine: Atteridge Scrapbook #37-5-2851 Box 1

Essays from Omicron Nu Students: #23-2-2702 Box 1-Folder 67

Practice Apartments Case

Better Homes in America pamphlet: #23-2-749 Box 19-Folder 45

Photo - Bobby Domecon photo: #23-2-749 Box 39-Folder 3 Item 4

Photo - feeding baby: #23-2-749 Box 39-Folder 2 Item 51

Photo - Christmas tree: #23-2-749 Box 39-Folder 3 Item 51

Life magazine: AP2.L72++ April 7, 1952 pg. 130 Olin Oversize

Troy Orphan Asylum letter: #23-2-749 Box 19-Folder 43

Scrapbook - Joan Domecon: #21-13-2365 Box 31, 1922 yearbook, pgs. 36-7

Role in the University Case

Helpful Hits to Hardup Housewives: The Widow vol 23 (1914-1915), pg 88-9

1911 letter from Board of Trustee: s#23/2/749 Box 33-Folder 55

1914 letter from President Schurman: #23/2/749 Box 26-Folder 3

1919 letter from Mann: #23/2/749 Box 36-Folder 32

1925 letter from Board of Trustees: #23/2/749 Box 33-Folder 55

1925 invitation: #23/2/749 Box 37 - Folder 5

1925 pamphlet honoring MVR: #23/2/749 Box 33-Folder 64

1932 letter from E. Roosevelt to President Farrand: #3/5/7 Box 15-Folder 6

1932 letter from Farrand to E. Roosevelt: #3/5/7 Box 15-Folder 6

Photo - Sarah G. Blanding: #23-2-749 Box 39-Folder 18, Item 6

Photo - 1960s Faculty meeting: #23/2/749 Box 77-Folder 30

Change to Human Ecology Case

1969 Conference on Women - poster: #23-2-1238 - Box 1

Course Outline: Farley, Jennie. Thesis: Women on the March Again: the Rebirth of Feminism in an Academic Community, pg 248-9. Library Annex: Thesis HT423 1970 F231

The Feminine Mystique: Rare Books HQ 1420.F89

Photo - Henry Riciutti with child: #23-2-749 Box 77-Folder 10

Proposed revision to university charter: #3-10-1022 Box 26-Folder 4

Cornellian 1969, pg 68-9

Photo - Urie Bronfenbrenner: #4/3/2282

Home Sewing

Garment: Costume collection in MVR Hall

Photo - Farm and Home Week 1933: Costume collection - Farm and Home Week folder - remodeled clothing

Bulletin - Keeping Clothes Wearable: mending clothing and household fabrics: Cornell Bulletin for Homemakers #536, October 1942

Hints on Home Dressmaking: Ladies' Home Journal - Dec 1891 pg 24, AP2L145++ - Olin Library

The Correct Way to Use a Sewing Machine: E. Dolly's Economical Sewing Ways: Ladies' Home Journal - Jan 1911, pg 30/31, AP2L145++ - Olin Library

Clothes for College: Ladies' Home Journal - June 1925 pg 72, AP2L145++ - Olin Library

Photo from Farm and Home Week: Costume collection, 1939 - Helen Smith demonstrating on sewing machine

Student's sample handwork book: Costume collection, c. 1910-20, found in MVR Hall

Patterns ranging from 1910s to late 1930s: Costume collection

Web Homepage

Photo - Charlotte Hopkins Merrell '1925, preparing pickled salad: #23/2/749 Box 39-Folder 20

Biography Page

Photo - Faculty in the Department of Home Economics from 1918-1919: #23/2/749- Box 39-Folder 18

Oral Histories

Florence Beck photo: #23/2/749 Box 39-Folder 14

Doris Mitchell photo: #41/2/877

Items that are linked on the web

Suffrage Piece

Susan B. Anthony letter: #23/2/749 Box 26-Folder 24

NAWSA certificate: #23/3/749 Mapcase DD-14

Carrie Chapman Catt letter: #23/2/749 Box 26-Folder 24

Photo - League of Women Voters: #23/2/749 Box 39-Folder39

Civic Duties Bulletin: #23/2/749 Box 46

Blanche Hazard letter: #23/2/749 Box 5-Folder 11

Eleanor Roosevelt Piece

Flora Rose Interview: #23/2/749 Box 34-Folder 39

Photo - E. Roosevelt and Flora Rose: #23/2/749 Box 39-Folder 38

Photo E. Roosevelt in gown: #23/2/749 Box 39-Folder 38

E. Roosevelt letter: #23/2/749 Box 26-Folder 9E.

Roosevelt telegram-1929: #23/2/749 Box 26-Folder 11

Marriage Course - Lemo Rockwood Piece

1948 Rockwood letter: #23-2-749, box 6, folder 36

1949 letter to Dean of Women: #23-2-749, box 6, folder 36

Photos: Faculty Biography Folder