What Formats and Techniques Did Home Economists Use to Educate the Public?

Demonstration Train
Demonstration Train

Cornell home economists were creative in the modes of communication they chose for reaching an audience as wide and diverse as possible. Although their pedagogical and outreach techniques changed over time, they were committed to a fundamental purpose: to extend research-based knowledge in order to improve the lives of the people of New York State.

The Farmers' Wives Reading Course, initiated by Martha Van Rensselaer in 1900, marked the first outreach program established by Cornell. Recognizing its success, home economists continued to use print media, publishing in many popular women's magazines and writing inexpensive pamphlets that were distributed widely. In addition, they developed travelling exhibits in railroad cars that criss-crossed the state in order to reach rural communities. Like the displays of Farm and Home Week, an annual statewide event that brought thousands of people to the Cornell campus, these traveling exhibits were important social events that proved effective in educating the public about the most relevant developments in domestic science. Extension workers also traveled to local elementary schools with special youth-oriented activities designed to engage and educate children as well as their parents.

Home economists took advantage of new technology and began to use radio in the 1920s. This "air college" was instantly successful and remained an influential outreach medium through the 1940s. By the mid-1950s, television began to eclipse radio as a source of information, and once again home economists adjusted to change by adopting television as a teaching tool in their effort to reach a mass audience. Hazel Reed, '30, noted that Cornell home economists demonstrated a keen ability to change both "program emphasis and methods of delivery [in order] to meet the needs of individuals and families in an ever-changing world."

Home Bureau Creed

Home Bureau Creed

Home Bureaus were established across New York State in the early twentieth century in order to provide new information on household economics and management. This statement of ideals, authored by home economics professor Ruby Green Smith and designed by Bristow Adams, was intended to be a decorative piece that hung in homes across the country. Over 500,000 copies were printed and distributed nationwide.

Wattmobile Pamphlet

Pamphlet, page 1
Pamphlet, page 2

The "wattmobile," sponsored by Cornell, brought information about rural electrification to farm homes and communities in the 1930s and 1940s.

"Let's Make A Dress"

Reading Course for Farmers' Wives
"Let's Make A Dress" Report Form, page 1
"Let's Make A Dress" Report Form, page 2

Cornell home economists consistently sought feedback from the women of New York State. In 1908, the Farmers' Wives Reading Course queried readers; in the 1940s, the broadcasters of "Let's Make a Dress" asked the listening audience for reactions.

Better Children Year

Better Children Year title page
Better Children Year, pages 2-3
Better Children Year, page 4

In 1925, child specialists from Cornell examined children across New York State and held informational sessions on nutrition, safety, training, and clothing as part of a "Better Children's Year."

Television Cooking Show

Television Cooking Show

This photo represents the new breed of television home economists, as a program hosted by Zenja R. Glass, '53, is filmed during the 1958 Farm and Home Week.

State and County Fair Fabric Pamphlet

State and county fairs offered home economists an annual venue for using interactive exhibits and pamphlets to educate the public. This pamphlet dates from the early 1950s.