Hunting Vest
- Description:
- This woven hunting vest, khaki in color and made from cotton, is fastened by way of brown buttons and has a back strap that allows the wearer to adjust the fit. While there is one fairly large pocket on its bottom-left, the majority of space on the vest’s front is taken up by side-by-side oblong pockets that would have been used to hold ammunition. The size of these pockets indicates that the ammunition being held would either be bird or buck shot. Unlike the type of bullets that are loaded into a pistol, shotgun shells are much larger in size, consisting of a round plastic casing with a metal end affixed to one end. It seems likely that this vest was made in the 1950s. However, because this would be considered a classic silhouette for this type of garment and therefore manufactured for multiple decades, it is hard to be certain when dating it.
- Date:
- 1950s-1970s