Compare this to the stereo image of Black children in the cotton fields in the previous case from roughly the same period. Whose children are seen as worth protecting?
On loan from the Kheel Center for Labor-Management Documentation & Archives
The issue of cotton dust has been around since the start of the industrialization of cotton textiles. The damage it causes, referred to as Brown Lung Disease, is a continuing global health problem.
On loan from the Kheel Center for Labor-Management Documentation & Archives
This tranquil rural scene belies the issue that the bleach from this mill was likely being discharged directly into the stream where we see people fishing (and probably drinking the water as well).
On loan from the Kheel Center for Labor-Management Documentation & Archives
Translated, the top reads: “The contamination created by the factories poisons the communities and neighborhoods in which the workers live.”
On loan from the Kheel Center for Labor-Management Documentation & Archives